
Tuesday 31 July 2012

White noise explanation & a huge thank you ♥

Hey guys, not sure if anyone is actually still stopping by my blog since i haven't been here for ages but i thought i really should take some time and explain why.  As ive always told you i only started my blog to keep all my finds ideas and inspirations in one place because i was always finding cool stuff then forgetting where i saw it lol.  Anyways when i got my first comment and follower on my blog i remember thinking what the hell, how did they find my blog i haven't shared it with anyone, and so the journey of my blogging began, i became obsessed (as my personality dictates new obsessions frequently) with other blogs, my fellow bloggers, with projects and so this continued into my own home.  Soon i was getting more followers and more people wanting to see pics of my own home, commenting on my posts, asking for my opinion and sharing my blog with others, it was all very exciting and i loved it! 3 years on and i still havent shared my blog with any of my family and friends, it was just for me, i didnt feel i needed their approval or more so their criticism (not that i think they would criticise me at all but would they understand why i was posting pics of my home, sharing my thoughts about things with complete strangers) well any way i absolutely loved chatting to my blogger friends (you will know who you are:)  and collecting ideas and inspirations along the way but after falling pregnant again and so much other stuff going on, having a job, 3 kids,  a house and family/friends i just found it harder to find the time to blog! ahhhh so one day i just stopped.  I recently joined pinterest which i love, i get to share pics of things i love (the main reason i started my blog in the first place) its fast its easy and most of all i get to share all the things i love in life not just my love for interiors. So ive finally decided that this will be my last post for now on my blog, it will still be here for people to look through and hopefully pick up some fabulous inspiration along the way because i have certainly enjoyed collecting it all.  I would really like to say the biggest THANK YOU to all you guys that have followed my obsessions over the past 3 years and supported my blog:) If you would like to follow my current obsessions in picture form (no need for words) then please follow me on pinterest,


  1. Hey, girl! I've been wondering about you!!! Glad to find you on Pinterest... I'm following!

  2. Hey chick, totally understand! I wrote a post recently called 'The Trouble with Blogging' where I was moaning about the fact that blogging was just taking up too much time and I was putting pressure on myself that was completely unnecessary. You wouldn't believe HOW MANY other bloggers said they felt the same!

    If Pinterest works better for ya, then definitely that's the route to go! (I'm following you now!) I will miss you sharing your ideas for your own place, though so please do visit me when ya can or drop me an email to keep in touch :)

    Take care and enjoy your summer hun! xxx
